To put it simply we will try anything to get you noticed.
There are countless ways to promote your business and at VR Media we’ve tried quite a few. Sometimes one method will produce results faster than another method, so we feel it’s important to build a relationship with our customers to find what works best for the individual.
Part of that relationship is communication, it’s all well and good to create an award winning concept, but if you as a customer are not benefiting or receiving positive feedback from it then ultimately the job has failed.
Building that relationship from the very first brief is paramount to servicing our customers needs and ensuring your product or service is noticed by the demographic you are targeting.
Below are some of the ways we can help.
Freelance Artwork
We have all at sometime or another wished we had more hours in the day.
One thing we are very aware of at VR Media are deadlines. If you feel that you are getting snowed under with excess production and no way of out putting the work, contact us and we will try our best to help you meet your deadlines. We can come to you or take your excess away and bring it back completed if this suits. |
Want more impact in the marketplace? Let VR Media help with a concept to make your product or service stand out amongst all the rest. Whether it is to appear in the newspaper or glossy magazine, we can prepare and produce high quality digital advertisements and send them to the publication of your choice - well in advance of their material deadlines. |
From 400 page full colour manuals to 4 page newsletters, there is no job too large or too small that we can't help you with. A weekly newsletter is just as important as an annual report in our eyes. In most of these cases we will construct a template for each job so when the raw data is supplied, it slots straight in with slight formatting adjustments, saving you time and money. |
Corporate Identity
When it comes to promoting your business one of the most important aspects of your identity must remain constant. At VR Media when you require a logo design or concept we provide you with a full logo reproduction instruction sheet. Your logo is going to be viewed and judged by the public and potential consumers - so it is important that it will reproduce correctly not only in full colour, but spot colour and black and white also. |
Stationery Packages
We can arrange a complete package including: Business cards, letterheads, with compliment slips, envelopes and flyers to help get your name out there or you may wish to shop around yourself and we are fine with that as well. We will even put the press ready artwork together and burn it to disk for you. |
Whether it is a T-shirt, shopfront, vehicle, banner or a billboard, we’ve had some unusual requests and we have always delivered. We supply artwork to scale or full size to either the signwriter of your choice or we can source a reliable signwriter/screenprinter and have the job delivered and completed on site. |
Line Art Portraits
Looking for that exclusive and personal gift? Have you considered a personalised portrait? A photo is all that is needed to create a personalised, single colour portrait of any subject that you choose, in one of any colour that will suit their decor. |